
Yesterday (sat ) went to watersplash for the first time. Luckilly managed to enter, thanks to te guy who was near the door and xplained to doormans! Lucky me he was there.
Now i know that jersey has a real club, its not a bar with dancefloor, its just a club with bars around. Also high ceiling allow to use some propper lighting there. 


Big party to be held at watersplash next week. Get ready to be snapped!

Summary... weekend bit weird, fridays dead, well, actually got 250 photos, but sat was busy, suprisingly busy, long time haven't seen so many people out. For most of them sat is end of weekend high life, for me and few others is the sunday, havana. To be honest, i love last 30 minutes, the atmosphere is amazing, the mood and the music... Hard to chose pic of week... a lot of portraits... so nothing special, but basically that what is for sale... BUT ...



13 01 2008 sunday

And another sunday is gone.
Getting confused now, used to have pleasure with photography, but im geting sick of these people, in fact 90% of them is ok, everyone is more or less drunk, but there is maybe 10% which piss me totally off, rude, agressive and stupid...if i met one of them iam upset for rest of the night. Btw, jersey it small, so almost everytine you can se the same faces, specially during the winter time.
This sunday was like any other sunday, been to fridays and havana only, nothing special.
However, there are still great people there!


12 01 2008

Long time since last entry, but i was quite busy, and the blog is nothing that important...hovewer now almost everything is sorted out. Nice music all around, specially liked dnb nigt at club:lounge, class. Last weekend was quiet, nothing special, actuall one is much better, specially saturday. Apart from burning warehouse close to two popular nightclubs the show at eden nighclub was also interesting ...
/btw, who set the fire? /