
Rainy sunday, cold, wet, so i'm not surprised that was lazy day for many, including me. Forth coming 2 weeks will be a kind of rush, before i go for holiday. Seems to be so busy i will have no time to sleep to much! (at least at home) work, shopping, trainings, sessions, meetings, will have no time for pure lazyness.

I enjoyed tonight's stay at havana, definitely good atmosphere, nice people, great music, i have asked Biko for some CD with those sets, will be nice to hear it again.

But beware, new dj is rising ...

Daisy DJ

Raining and cold, that was the reason why town was so empty tonight, even watersplash wasn't so great, but there was so hot, many guys without any shirt, very loud as usual, but there are just few color lights around, they definitely need some proper lighting, also laser or two would be great!

What's up?!


I think i'm working to much, need more time for myself during the weekend, maybe i will get nex weekend off, sometimes need to purely enjoy. Also my holidays have been agreed, so i will be away from 1 till 22 of june. Nice.
Have been to drift and fridays after prom, not so many photos, but quite nice people.

However, i couldn't resist :]
This week weather is playing, sunny days becoming rainy evenings.

Hautlieu school prom night on friday, nice atmosphere as they were young people and they know wat's the fun!

Who is that guy in the middle?!
On wednesday there was fassion show to raise some money for breast cancer research.
Nice models though


Sunday is great, you can go to the beach, have few beers, enjoy and relax, and in the evening you can enjoy great tunes all over the place, nice house music with sax in fridays, and havana, which is not very attractive as a place, is filled up with great Biko's tunes! Nice people too! Love you all girls!
Uno due tre quattro!

Thanks for extra tune after all!


That was hard night for me, photos are not brilliant as i was'nt.
Finally there was few people in BBar, so i could go there for first time.
They have got 4 things looks like beds? lol, it's nice to have bed in bar, is'nt it?


I was really tired to go out tonight, but i was only on my own, anyway, found this night very positive. I meet many long time haven't seen friends, and arranged some good meetings.

Hold on for tommorow, summer is here!

Today is liberation day, a bank holiday, and also today we had hill climb in the bouley bay.
Weather cloudy but not raining, and that was enough to get some decent photos. Good exposure times, even by ISO 100, but because of the reflections on the front window sometimes used polariser, and iso goes up to 800. All sort of viechicles, from go karts to motobikes.


I have got nearly 350 photos from that night, that is definitely good bank holiday!
Dont know what happend to Phill but he did not turned up, so i was on my own. In fact, i had no time for pure and drift lately, but doesn't really matter, anyway, i had a lot of fun.
In Watersplah massive party, i felt sick in my stomach when i was passing main speakers there, hot atmosphere and a lot of crazy people. Fridays was also packed, but rest of the bars was nearly empty. Havana was ok, as usual on sunday is busy, tonight que was looonger.

I've got head eche :
but any way, as i said, that night gives a lot of fun to everyone, it was just a litle to loud


There will be good party at watersplash tommorow (today actually), cant wait for that one, cos i like that club very much, its big and looks like proper club, not like pub with dancefloor. Town was busy, tommorow should be the same. Tonight gomes and Phill were taking photos as well, so i have been to fridays, and after went to club 72, and really enjoyed jazzy big band! then pure and drift... yes, drift, Phill got drunk... felt in love, and just wonder what will happend tommorow... busted.

Cant really decide on photo tonight... nothing extraordinary...

oh hold on,
Guinness please.............


Today is friday, and if you know, next week will be special because of 2 bank holidays.
That means next weekend will be massive. Also weather should be great. Tonight tried Bbar for first time, but it was so empty, everyone been to chamber or drift that time. Checked Club 72, but there was some big band jazzy thing (actually they played nice) but that wasnt to good time to taking photos. Fridays was so so, just looked outside club lounge, no one but security. Stayed in drift for most of time then, checked pure, but also dissapointing this time, usually there is something on the 1st and 2nd floor, but not even that night.

For some period now, i will hang around with 10-22 for some funny photos like that