
Tonight i went to the new club Varda, nice looking one, but... its a gay club :/ Try imagine me seeing two guys kissing. Definitelly will not go there, especially when will be packed and crowdy :/
Pure nightclub


Nothing happening tonight... polish dj in Liquid but actually nobody turned up. I like friday's on sundays because of music and atmosphere, guy playing sax and drums, with nice house music its great mix! And havana, there was big que tonight, packed inside, R&B room was nice but not for me, i prefer the other one, with dj Biko! great music, great lighting, great atmosphere!

i found the last tune from tonight he played, Brad Hed - Girlz & Boys (Vandalis Remix), enjoy it :]

"i see the girlz and boyz, are dancing on the floor..."


I was very tired that night, and that what happen after all...

Any way, friday's pole dancers


And friday again, Peter with me tonight, i have done round around town but nothing special really, fridays had some special performance, but that wasn't interesting at all. then moved to drift, meet Peter, and went to Pure, from now on a rock nite wil be held on pure 1st and 2nd floor. Not my taste though.


lol :D

Yesterday there was one year anniversary of the Drift nightclub opening. It wasn't busy, and it wasn't interesting either, some crappy band playing live. I was very upset that night, and not because i had to be there.


And finally fisrt sunday after holiday, i missed that place a little bit, or rather that last-half-hour atmosphere. definitelly more people in town now, que is getting longer and longer, thanks to summer holidays time.

Does anyone know hebraic?
We were two on friday, or actually should be, because i didn't feel good and stayed home. On saturday i have been to watersplash. Music was weird, a mixture of different styles, but was allright. Quite many people there, as usual, when i arrived i thought "no fog, poor lighting... will be unattractive background", minutes after when the fog mashine was blowing fog on me i though completly different, i couldnt see anything in half of meter for few seconds, and that happend from time to time, but patience was the key, some decent ones.