
Fridays, Varda, Chicago and Pure, that's all i've done tonight, Pure was very positive this night, nice tunes down and upstairs, nice one guys.



Today we recieved EOS 50D in store, after spending some time with camera my feelings are positive, i've got 40D already so its not good for upgrade, but they made few tweaks and improvements so if you want to upgrade from lower camera 50D is one to go for. Just wait for cashback after new year or so. Personally im waiting for 5DmkII , i seriously thinking about this one... will se when i get it in my hands.


In two words: just tired.

Havana's future seems to be massive :]

As usual, quality tunes by Biko all night long


Relatively positive night, quite enjoyable, dont know what was on in Watersplash but wouldnt bother to go there tonight anyway. Im going to post some pics on www.islandbass.com but tommorow, i need sleep cos have to wake up early morning.
Its not my favourite place to be, but there is different atmosphere, and people are different...
u know where and what i mean


Tonight quieter than usual, Friday's was dead, also Havana wasn't so good, there was no que tonight. Anyway, Biko's tunes recompensates everything!

Few freaks there as well


13 9 08

Its getting bad, tonight was quite busy everywhere, but im getting tired with all that people there; i lost my voice somehow, but i wasn't shouting at all... got penalty parking ticket as well... Im fed up with this photography on rush. Anyway, that's Drift tonight:


On sat 6 of sep there was great wicked night at watersplash hosting High Contrast.
I love his tunes and that was pleasure to go there, i managed to get photo with him, i wasnt beind the camera so it is not great, focus in background, focusing beam on my face but i like it anyway. I need new high contrast in my life btw.