quality clubbing photography
by rafal wzorek
for jerseyevents.com
Long time have not written on this blog as my desktop blown up, i managed to get some photos sorted and uploaded here from last couple weeks, first ones on this site from my new toy, Canon 5d mkII. I have been away for a week.
Amsterdam -NL
I also visited local skate park, and i have got an idea for photo session.
Skatin' Jersey in plans, some pics for now
Chicago Rock Cafe
Great tunes tonight...
"This is sunday social at Havana with B.I.K.O."
Like that place for those last two hours, atmosphere is great, Biko as usuall have done great job.
Utah Saints djs at Liquid tonight... excellent one.
Started again after couple weeks of holidays.
Photos from there to follow soon, for now first night out with camera in new year.