
Tonight i used 10-22 lens, maybe quality is not the same like L series, but gives more fun and perspectives for different shoots. As it is sunday i went to fridays and havana, in first one, quite a lot of people, every weekend now getting more and more. In havana Martin purchased nice green laser, which gives nice mood for that not to atractive place. Biko played nice tunes as every weekend, and as always finishing is superb, crowd is rising, because finishing tune is a cracking one, that is the rising moment when everything should actually start, not end.

Check this out.


I am so tired tonigt, so note will be very short. Started from 7 in Hotel De France, then been in few other places and finished in Pure nightclub, Summer is definitelly very close, night is nicelly warm tonight. A lot of people around then.
And quick photo


Last week of april apears to be good one. First at all, im off on saturday from shop floor, so can finally rest after this fridays night, which was quite busy, specially because you can actually smell summer in the air, you can breath with warm air, that is that feeling you know that crazy summer time is comming soon...
Started around 11 at fridays, felt a little bit tired, but had few red bulls and was alright. In fridays more people than average, i can remember now previous summer, will be dificult to go trought, especially with camera. Actually have not been to st james and club lounge, seen few people outside, but thought it is not worth it...so went to drift, meet Peter, had drink with David and stayed there for about an hour then moved to pure. Nice DnB tracks played on the ground floor, but no too many people. Upstairs as usuall some freaky and weird rock nite.
And choosen photo:


And finally we have sunday, nothing but fridays and havana. Somebody told me to try club 72 on sunday, because of some polish night, so i went there, found about 10 people inside, heard disco polo music and quickly dissapeard... never coming back there on sunday then.
Fridays rather empty, havana also wasn't very packed, but i believe that drunkness level that night was much higer than average... on both sides of the bar.

photo of the night - i found ear bite quite nice one

Three....two.....one......havana is gone.
Good night.


Finally reached home after that freaky night! Can't say was bored, i sweat a all the time!

Began quiet, went to boat house, took few shoots, peeps inside did not really wanted, after charity event at jersey bowl, and get back to town, start in Club 72. nothing special, guy singing Robbie's Williams songs. After moved to the Fridays and Drift, as i was expecting, full of people, loong que outside. That was very special night cos Gomes was taking pictures, which is very unusual. Finally he experienced what we usually get. Also, Peter is in trouble? lol :D

Shooting in the drift is an neverending story, but after 2 hours there tired went to PURE for less than hour, to finish off the job. But again, full of people, some nice dj, thy prepared special sound system for that occasion, whilst inside i thought i will be def after that. As mentioned some time ago, love that blue laser...

And pic of the day...a lot of great tonight to be honest... but lets go for that one:

As i said "you've got nice......flowers"


Did i mentioned i want go for studio/models photography??? :D



Cold and raining this friday, dont really have time to writing about, but generally was bit quiet except Drift, thats normal on that day of the weekend. Hovewer, apart of that your jerseyvip photographers finally had chance to use their cameras not in the clubs, and not at home either... yes yes, because of few nice sunny days during the week had some leisure trips and took some photos... but haven't time to look on them yet... if any good wil post them here, and for now selected snap from friday.


second week of april

Today managed to get internet connection. Weekend quite easy, however, i have not been out on sunday, it's mean no photos from havana i'm affraid.
Also there was five-a-side soccer competition and jersey horse racing.
Looking forward for big events in watersplash.
By the way, Sandra dont want to create blog, so i have to catch up with everything.
Changes - form this week PURE nightclub is in posession of blue laser, which looks great.


Beginning of april

This week we lost it... we lost one hour of fun, as with the beggining of spring clock goes forward by one hour, you lost one hour of clubbing, i lost few pounds ;]
Somebody send email to Gomes, asking if they can have photographer at Watersplash that night, they send it after 6, when he went to work, and recieved it about 1 after midnight, but in fact it was 2 already... shame, i do like that place, i wanted go there.

Apart of that, weekend seems to be quiet, drift as usuall was full, and other places was bit disapointing.

Anyway, 10 points for person who recognize HIM :D

Yes, i know this guy somehow... oh yes, mr WHALE TALE :D