
Last week of april apears to be good one. First at all, im off on saturday from shop floor, so can finally rest after this fridays night, which was quite busy, specially because you can actually smell summer in the air, you can breath with warm air, that is that feeling you know that crazy summer time is comming soon...
Started around 11 at fridays, felt a little bit tired, but had few red bulls and was alright. In fridays more people than average, i can remember now previous summer, will be dificult to go trought, especially with camera. Actually have not been to st james and club lounge, seen few people outside, but thought it is not worth it...so went to drift, meet Peter, had drink with David and stayed there for about an hour then moved to pure. Nice DnB tracks played on the ground floor, but no too many people. Upstairs as usuall some freaky and weird rock nite.
And choosen photo:

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