
Week 46

It's been long time since last post here, and it's not because i was doing nothing, it just happened, different priorities. Meanwhile i prepared my website, which is nearly complete now, and i think if everything goes ok it will be launched at the beginning of the next year with new company RW photo.
I will be back to this blog, and i will try to continue what i was doing before. What is new? Not much, really, it's cold and wet again, introduction to jersey winter. St Helier seems strange at night, on one side it is like ghost town at night, but just next road people are walking along like pilgrims, from venue to venue. I have not been out for couple weeks now and i forgot how is it like, how good it feels.
Got star eight filter to test last night, i think it's good addition to be kept on lens at all the time, adds sparkling touch to photographs.


Week 21

Last Wednesday and Friday we were photographing school proms,  first Le Rocquier and the Haute Valle. I managed to pop in to the Drift on Friday night for a while as well.
[pic to follow]


Week 20

Finally decided to go out again, i am quite busy right now, and i can't do much without new computer. That is so annoying.
Friday - pictured Diamond Jubilee Ball at Hotel de France and just clubs on saturday

Week 19

I have little time or will to sit down in front of the computer and do something. The only event i have attended was charity fashion show at the Royal Yacht Hotel - Celestial Hall


Week 18

Hot crazy summer nights are nearly there, few more weeks and Jersey will be great place to party, on the beach, in the club. Warm nights, that is what makes me smile, because you can then smell that beautiful night, you know it's summer,and that makes you happy. After all, we were waiting 8 long months for summer to come back. Some excellent parties are on horizon, cant't wait.



Tutorial time

And there it is, finally, after nearly one year sitting in my do-to list, it is almost complete, just need proofing and add some photos. 
Go to guide -> www.jersey.showitsite.com


King of the Ring - Muay Thai championship

Or it is not actually a championship, don't really know but some gained or defended their belt so i guess it is.
Quite interesting, event was different to any other just because of thai boxing instead of traditional box.
Music and and all AV aspect of it created really nice atmosphere,  nice Delta AV!
Is it just me or event was not promoted on large scale, i have seen posters around but that's it. Amount of people that turned up there was impressive, i did not expect it to be so nice.
Jersey's Bad Boy won, and so crowd was roaring.

Last fight - the winner was Thai champion. Impressive fight.


Week 13

Joey Negro at Royal Yacht rocked the house. Lazy Jack restaurant, Sirocco Restaurant and Celestial Hall have been transformed in to one excellent large venue. Absolutely amazing. 
There was quite nice warm-up party at Tanguys before. 
Also, competition for miss and mister of st Helier in local parish hall.
And that's photo from champions.


Week 12

I did not go out this time, sorry.


Week 11 2010

Great night with Ferry Corsten @ Liquid! He is excellent dj, no doubt. And the last tune, classic. Shame it was not crowded, i guess it was less than 100 people n there, thus dance floor looked half-empty most of the time. He might just think we don't like him here. I just don't understand it.
His set was great, some nice trance classics nicely mixed with more current ones and his own productions.
Unfortunately i don't have decent photo of him playing, as the dj box was not positioned in good location.

Two great dj's - Ferry Corsten and Paul Shoer


Week 11 2010

I will pass this friday evening, i just can't be asked to go out, i feel sick, it may be flu or something. It's sill cold, and i just don't want to make it worst, as tomorrow i gotta be in liquid for Ferry Corsten!
And i may also go on sunday for moto-x at Sorel Point, just to try out 80-200 f/2.8


New lens

I just bought second hand EF 80-200 mm f/2.8L lens, and therefore replaced my EF 70-200 USM f/4L.
Lens it's quite old, perhaps 20 years or so, but build quality is just stunning, like current L series, but for about thousand pounds less. I am not using this type of lenses often, so this is good replacement, at actually no cost to me. Usually the newer the better, but i will now sell my few year old lens and stick to that great one!


Week 10 2010

I guess it is because of the weather, not wet but cold and windy. Many places were not busy, like Pure for example, but Drift somehow was, with long que outside all the time. Bar Rock it's apparently open again, i have not been there yet, it's to cold for me to walk all way down to there. Last night i had a though that Platinum it's actually very nice venue. I think it's because of two lasers shining right above your head, and that makes that great aura which is not present in many others around here, and gives opportunity for nice shots, as most of the night clubs are quite dark in most areas, so there is no chance for shoot with nice colorful lights in background, just some vast black, or some dark walls. I would really like to go to some big party like sensation or qlimax, that must be great experience. For now, we are stock on the rock, let see what we can get from it (at lest there are some decent dj's coming from time to time). 
Yes, it's true, Ferry Corsten coming to Liqud nightclub on 13 of March, i hope he will not miss his flight or will be granted landing permit this time.



week 9 2010

Awful weather, cold and rain, some places were relatively empty just because of that. Anie Mac on watersplash, the best one tonight. I went to drift, and then mint and Platinum,  i was hoping to go to the Pure, but it was really quiet that night. I just cant wait for hot summer nights.



Jersey Events

I have changed the team recently. I am going back to idea of this blog, i will post selected picture from the weekend, which will be in full res, so if you are on it, you can download it free.