
Week 46

It's been long time since last post here, and it's not because i was doing nothing, it just happened, different priorities. Meanwhile i prepared my website, which is nearly complete now, and i think if everything goes ok it will be launched at the beginning of the next year with new company RW photo.
I will be back to this blog, and i will try to continue what i was doing before. What is new? Not much, really, it's cold and wet again, introduction to jersey winter. St Helier seems strange at night, on one side it is like ghost town at night, but just next road people are walking along like pilgrims, from venue to venue. I have not been out for couple weeks now and i forgot how is it like, how good it feels.
Got star eight filter to test last night, i think it's good addition to be kept on lens at all the time, adds sparkling touch to photographs.

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